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Old Book


Professional Help for Writers, from a Writer

Writing by the Water
Sign Language
Beta Reading NWS_edited_edited.jpg

Copyediting and Proofreading


Writing Sample Consultation


Beta Reading -
Full novel



Fountain pen

Copyediting and Proofreading

Editing helps make your writing the best it can be! 


I offer two levels of service: 

* Proofreading - I check over your finished document for spelling, grammar, punctuation and word processing errors. 

$0.005 (1/2 cent) per word


*Copyediting - In addition to the above, I look for stylistic issues in your writing that prevent your work from sounding as clear and polished as it could be. 

$0.01 per word


I do offer free sample editing of under 1000 words to see if I'm a good fit for your needs. 


Please note: If you want in-depth feedback on plot, character arcs, or other aspects of CONTENT, you need a developmental editor. I am not offering this service *at this time* but would be happy to refer you to someone in my contacts who does this type of work. 

Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Writing Sample Consultation

Do you wonder if you're a "good writer"? Curious about what can make you better? 


Send me a 15-page sample of your writing. I will read over it, make comments, and book a 1-hour videoconferencing or telephone session at your convenience to discuss your strengths and areas you can improve. 


Typically I will highlight 1-2 strengths and at least 3 issues in your prose that you can work on with tips on how to improve. 


$19.99 per hour


Please note: I do not review poetry, as I am not a good poet. I also do not review erotica, medical/technical writing or other documentation outside my areas of expertise.

Old Book

Beta Reading

Have you written a novel and want to know if it is "any good"? 


Query me with a 1-page summary of your book's overall theme and content and send me up to 3 chapters in a Word document.


If I feel I am able to help you, I will look over your manuscript and provide general feedback on content. I will use Microsoft's Track Changes and Comments features to mark up your document with my suggestions. After beta reading, you should have a good idea how at least one reader reacts to your book. You'll receive guidance on what areas need further development, cleanup, reorganizing, etc. 


Beta reading is typically a first step writers take before enlisting an editor to provide thorough, in-depth critique of their work. I provide beta reading but NOT developmental editing at this time. 


$19.99 per hour


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