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Resources for Writers

Are you, too, writing to make your dreams a reality? Check out some of my favorite writing resources below. I am always adding to this list, so please feel free to bookmark this page for future use! 



Where it all began! 

November is National Novel Writing month. A challenge to novelists of all genres: start writing! Complete a 50,000 word novel in 30 days or less. The official NaNoWriMo site offers writers all over the world a space to communicate, share resources, help one another with character, plot and realism, and encourage one another toward the 50K word goal. 


National Novel Writing Month | Home

Helping Writers Become Authors

Author K. M., Weiland's blog offers several excellent series on how to create strong plots, character arcs and stories. Using examples from popular media, her storytelling advice is clear and accessible. Check it out! 


Helping Writers Become Authors

Emotion Thesaurus

Believable characters have real emotions! Take your writing to the next level; grow past the tired cliches of sweating brow and wringing hands. Learn to effectively describe character reactions and emotions using this helpful guide. 


One Stop for Writers | Emotion Thesaurus

Jonathan Maberry - free stuff for writers

Resources for Writers - Award-winning author Jonathan Maberry has a stockpile of freebies on his website. Everything from novel formatting and scene structure to sample query letters. Check it out! 


Jonathan Maberry | Free Stuff for Writers

Query Letters

Jane Friedman's definitive guide to writing query letters, along with a masterclass and 1:1 support available.  â€‹


The Complete Guide to Query Letters

Name Generator

Are you stuck naming a character? Need to find a last name that better fits their personality? Try this random name generator. 


Name Generator - Real People

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